We started off the morning with presents. It's hard to tell who was more excited, Taysum or Bailey! My camera has a nice feature on it called blur reduction. It's great for "trying" to take pictures of kids. However, even blur reduction doesn't help when we have a birthday at our house! :)
Bailey LOVES cats, so this is my try at a kitty cake. I must say that Mr. Potato Head parts make for great cake decorators! She wanted rainbow cake (party chip) and white ice cream (vanilla bean).
It was a little windy and the match box I brought only had one match in it. It broke when I struck it and went out before I could light the candles. So she just pretended to blow out the candles and she was totally fine with that!
Opening a present from Grandpa and Grandma
Another great love! Dora!
Uncle Tyler is SO GREAT with the kids! It's going to be so sad when he leaves for college next week! We're just trying not to think about it right now, though!
Hayden was so cute in his little hat!
In May I did a post called "I Baydee" and I wrote about all the fun facts about Bailey: what she loves and the fun things she does and says. We sure love our little princess! We think she is just adorable and she makes life so fun! She has a temper, that's for sure, but I'm sure one day we'll look back on even her screaming with some fondness! ;) Since we only get one girl, we're sure glad we got her! We love you so much, little B!!
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