Hayden Nicholas Cutler
Was born 8:30am Wednesday, March 31 in Powell, WY. He was 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 3/4 in. long. We're so happy to have him here with us! He has been such a wonderful addition to our family and makes us so complete! He has lots of medium brown hair and we think his eyes might stay blue. He has great color (now that the jaundice is gone). He has his daddy's strait nose and cleft chin. He is such a good baby!! He has just been such a joy and he is such a calm and special spirit so far! He brings a lot of peace with him.
He was scheduled to be born via C-Section a week before his due date, April 7. Since no one (but his Daddy) thought April 1 would be a good choice :), we scheduled it for March 31. It turned out that this was a difficult date for our families to help because of work, etc. Also, Taysum had a horrible rash and had had a fever and Bailey had a scary respiratory infection and was very, very ill. I also had a pretty forceful cough that I was worried about during surgery and recovery. Fortunately, Grandpa and Grandma Anderson sacrificed and worked out their schedules to help us out which was a wonderful blessing! So, 5:00am, we left for Powell. The staff at Powell has just been so wonderful to us and it was a wonderful experience! No problems, no complications, just blessings and peace and joy!

Hayden had some wonderful visitors his first day! Because his brother and sister were sick, they couldn't visit him in the hospital, but they got to peek at him through the nursery window the next day. Uncle Chad, Aunt Lindsay, CJ, Quinn, Carissa and Celeste came to visit his first night.

Grandpa and Grandma Anderson were also there to share his first day.

Proud Papa

Here's the star of the show!

We came home on Saturday afternoon. Taysum was really excited to meet his brother and very proud to hold him!

Bailey has come around to Hayden a little slower. At first, she was pretty much just indifferent to him. Every once in a while she would point to him and say, "Baby!" or "He has ears!" She's really come around lately and seems to enjoy him more and more. It still makes both of them pretty nervous when he cries and Taysum lets me know pretty quickly that I need to come take care of him.

The next day was Easter. We had some fun gifts for the kids to kind of help with the transition. Bailey has really enjoyed "Wonder Pets" lately and we got her the Beanie Baby Characters of Linny, Tuck, and Ming Ming. She was pretty impressed! Taysum has really been into Wii lately, so we got him a little educational game for that and he was pretty excited as well! It was a pretty nice first weekend home together. We had SO much help from our family and ward. We were overwhelmed and touched by all the love, support and help we've received from near and far!! We have really been blessed!

Hayden lost his cord when he was 5 days old, so we were able to give him a bath pretty early...although he's not too big a fan of the idea!

We've just been enjoying him! We just take our time and try to enjoy every moment! It's already going too fast!!

I LOVE this picture!!

Taysum has always been such a good big brother. He is so protective and tender-hearted! I saw them in this pose and it reminded me of....

....this picture from nearly three years earlier!

So a quick update on me...I'm healing really well and trying to figure out life with three kids. It's a little like music...with the two, it was kind of like a quick step march 2/4...but now I'm trying to slow down and reconfigure my mind to a 3/4 waltz. Just as beautiful...just different!
Also....yes....I turned 30!! We celebrated on the 11th with a bar-b-q at my parent's house with our family here. It was really nice. Ken gave me some much needed emergency preparedness items for a gift and a really pretty necklace and some "birthday money." With that I was able to get a camera!! I'm so excited and I just LOVE it! Now we will have a little better quality than just our phone camera pictures. Also, we've been talking for a while about doing the instant streaming from Net Flix to our TV, but it was kind of expensive. Well, on my birthday, the 12th, I received an email from Net Flix announcing that we could get a FREE disc for our Wii (which we already had) that would do the instant streaming! Did I mention it was FREE!! Happy Birthday to me!! ;) We've really been enjoying it!
Here are my sillies during stories before bed time.

Ken's been torn in 20 different directions lately and has had a lot of stress put on him, but he has handled it so well!! On the 16th, he went to Casper and took his PE Exam. He feels that he did well on it and we're hoping and praying that he passed!! It has been such a relief to have that out of the way and the kids love having their Daddy back and not having to study any more! The night he was coming back, I invited my Mom and Sister over for a girl's night to watch New Moon (another b-day gift). It was so fun to have them over and have yummy snacks. I caught this shot of my mom holding Hayden's hand.

Here are just some other fun shots...
He is beautiful! Congratulations Cutler family!
ReplyDeleteHe is a cutie. I love how your other kids have taken to him. What a lucky little guy to come to such an adorable family!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post Kim!! Congrats to your family, he's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWonderful!!! Great job!
ReplyDeleteHayden is SO cute! What a handsome boy! I love the pictures of Bailey and Taysom holding him. I love what you said about three instead of two and how it's like marching to a different beat, That is so true! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteSo glad things are going well. I think of your darling family all the time.
ReplyDeleteHe is so sweet. I hope you are enjoying your sweet new one. The first few weeks are my very favorite because even though it is exhausting and sleepless, it is also the sweetest and a time where I feel the veil is so thin that these little ones must surely be receiving last minute instruction from heaven. Be sure and take lots of time to hold him close and soak it all up. We are thinking of you and your cute little family and hope you are healing well. You are a wonderful mother!...thanks for sharing all the cute pics
ReplyDeleteHe is a cutie! Looks like you guys are all adjusting well. Take care and rest when you can!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this post!!! Your family is so sweet and I loved all of the pictures of your adorable family. Hayden is a complete doll. So sweet and handsome. It is so cute how your kids are taking such good care of him. He is a lucky little guy. Your family is beautiful!! I wished we lived closer we would love to meet you new little man!! Maybe someday!! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I didn't know you were that close to having him he is very precious I love all the pictures where Hayden has his eyes open so cute. Three is definately different than two but they are all so fun!!
ReplyDeleteYeah!!! He is so darling! We are so excited for you! We love all the pics. You have such a beautiful family and an amazing spirit in your home that is evident even from this distance. Congrats! Just know when you come to visit I'll be stealing Hayden...a lot!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! It sounds like things are going GREAT!! I'm so glad his arrival went well and that everyone is adjusting well. Hayden is a cutie and I love the two pics of how Taysum helped Bailey and Hayden the same way! ;) Can't wait to meet him in a MONTH!! :) See you guys soon!! Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteYou sure have a beautiful family! Congratulations! I had so much fun with my 3rd. My other 2 kept each other pretty well occupied and so that left me with the newborn. You will LOVE it! So, the blogbook website I used was blog2print.com. It was so easy. I just put in my blog address and it makes the whole book. I'm sure it's not nearly as nice as blurb, but it is SOOOO much easier. Good luck...and let me know what you decide to do. :)
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!! He is adorable!! Glad that he got here safely!
ReplyDeleteTo answer you question, I did make his bow tie, and here's how I did it:
Congratulations! I'm so happy for all of you. What a lucky little man coming home to all that love. I loved how you described going from 2-3 kids. You're so right. It's an adjustment but such a wonderful experience to see your family growing. I love seeing all the pictures. You are truly blessed.;)