Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sweet Sabbath Morning

I have a little story that I want to write down before I forget. Yesterday morning, the kids got out on the wrong side of our bed. They were grumpy and arguing and crying and it wasn't a fun way to wake up! I went to make some muffins and the butter was hard, so it was a mess to try and cream it with the sugar. Then I realized I didn't have an egg, so I had to go borrow one. Then I realized I was out of flour, so I had to go digging in our food storage. Then our can opener decided not to work. So, I got the can half way open and then I tried to pry it the rest of the way open. It flipped back and smacked my finger pretty good. Taysum and Bailey were in the kitchen with me and they were pretty worried about me. Bailey said, "Heavenly Father will help you feel better, Mom. Because Heavenly Father helps people feel better." And I did! It was so sweet and so true. I had a whole new outlook on the morning, thanks to my sweet B. And by the way, the muffins turned out just fine! :)

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