There's just nothing that compares to Christmas morning with kids this age. They're old enough to appreciate the magic and young enough to still believe in the magic! I get to the point where I don't care if I get anything or not... I'm too excited to see them open their presents! It was a great morning! It was Hayden's first Christmas and the poor guy wasn't feeling too well. He was teething and he got his first tooth for Christmas! :( He still had fun in all the wrapping paper and bows!
Bailey going straight for the candy! :)

Santa was very kind this year!

Bailey said she wanted a panda for Christmas, so we got her a big panda pillow and she LOVES it!!

Daddy helping deck out the microphones!!

A little team work to open the present from Grammy Penny and Grandpa Ned

A happy little B!

You can't see this one very well, but it's an apron. They had Mommy & Me matching aprons at our local grocery store. She's really been wanting to help me a lot lately, especially in the kitchen, so I thought it'd be fun to have matching aprons! She loves it! Anytime she helps me, she insists we wear them. It's a fun bond for us!
Taysum really wanted a Gordon train and he was pretty thrilled to get one!
Givin' some love to the big girl panties... it's a work in progress!

Ever since playing Mario Kart
Wii with Uncle Nick in UT, I knew this is what I wanted to get him for Christmas. He could hardly believe it! He's had so much fun with it!

Ken finally got the pepper and salt mills he's wanted forever! :)

The other thing Bailey really wanted was a pillow pet. I ordered one for each of the kids on
Cyber Monday. The package came and I just assumed all three were in there. Christmas Eve day, I decide I better look... there was only one in there and it wasn't Bailey's! That's all she would talk about was getting a Pillow Pet for Christmas! I
panicked! I asked my sweet mom if she would go to the store and get one for me. She had just gotten home from the store for the second or third time that day, but she went for me anyway and found a pink bunny pillow pet. Luckily Bailey loved it! I never got the other two pillow pets. I called the company and I guess they had had a lot of trouble meeting the demand, so they refunded all three even though I had received one. So, all that trouble, but we ended up with a free one and Bailey was happy, so I guess
all's well that ends well, right!?

I was really excited for Ken to open this present. I bought him a portable GPS. It's not like the car directions one... it's more for hiking and things like that. He loved it and has used it quite a bit. The other day at work, he was doing some surveying and the company's GPS was missing or not working... I don't remember... so he came home and got his. I'm really glad he likes it so much!

Taysum wants to do is play Mario Kart!! We played quite a bit that day, and we've had to come up with some rules and limitations for the
Wii. He is quite a pro now!

Even though he wasn't feeling too well, Hayden was a trooper. He woke up and his eyes were literally glued shut with gunk! I felt so bad for him! It took a good 2-3 minutes with a warm washcloth before he could open them! Poor little guy! :'(

Once he had a chance to wake up a little and figure out what all the craziness going on was about, he joined right in the fun!
Gpa and
Gma Anderson had our name for Christmas and the theme was music. They gave us this keyboard and the kids LOVE it! Especially Hayden!

After the commotion died down a bit, we went to
Gpa and
Gma's for Christmas breakfast. It's always so yummy! We went back home and just enjoyed being together! Then it was back to
Gpa and
Gma's for Christmas Day dinner! (We eat together a lot! ;) ) The
Lindsays came over and we had a great time with our family.
Here are Bailey and Carissa
rockin' out together!

Uncle Matt being a good sport!

Celeste has had a hard time handing over the title of "baby of the family" to Hayden! ;)

Brothers or what?!

We were all supposed to get together as a family at Lindsay's house and get a family picture done since we were all together. However, they had some flooding at their house, so that was put on hold. I felt so bad for them! What an awful thing to happen on Christmas!! We figured we better just do it and at least get ours done. So we called up Uncle Matt and Aunt Megan to see if they would help us out. Megan did a great job! She got some really fun angles and I was really pleased with how they turned out! Thanks so much, Megan! :) They stayed for lunch with us and we had a Mario Kart
Wii party!

On Sunday, Lindsay invited us all out for a yummy dinner and we got a shot of the
fam then! (
Taysum absolutely refused to get back into his church clothes!)

I feel bad Hayden is kind of cut off, but it's not too bad for a tripod and timer shot!

It was a very, very Merry Christmas and I just loved being around all the family!!
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