Saturday, February 12, 2011
I recently received a Kindle and I just love it! It is just an amazing device and it has been so fun to play around on it and find out all the cool things it does! In fact, I am writing this post from it! Ken is so sweet for letting me get one!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Funny stuff in February
These are just some fun pictures from the past week or so! Taysum's teacher sends a lot of projects home for the students to do with their family, which is really fun. One of them was to make a Valentine box as a family. Taysum originally wanted it to be Mario, but I convinced him to do Luigi so we could use his hat from his Halloween costume. It was a lot of fun to work on together and he was really happy with how it turned out! I tried to convince him to put some hearts on it at least, but he didn't think that was a good idea!
Bailey was very proud that she was in charge of the eyes!
Jumpin' Right in to January!
What more could you ask for than such a wonderful family to love and take care of!?!
We've had a lot of snow this winter and it doesn't really melt away... just keeps piling up! Bailey was so thrilled at the chance to build a snowman with her Daddy.
Taysum joined in on the fun a little later and provided the snazzy duds!
B was really particular about the snowman's belly. She kept packing on more and more snow. She only did it in one spot, though, so our snowman kind of ended up with an outie! :)
January is a fun month, because it's Ken's birthday month! He's always thought that his birthday is pretty cool, because it's 1/11; well this year, he turned 33 on 1/11/11! I had been planning his birthday since before Christmas, and I was really excited and nervous for it to come. I was excited, because I knew he would love it and nervous, because I was really hoping everything would come together just right! After work, we went out for Chinese in Powell with my parents. The kids were a little crazy, but we had a pretty nice time.
Hayden is getting to "that" stage where he's getting curious and getting into everything! Here he is caught red-handed!
I bought tickets to the Bar J Wranglers' concert in Cody for Ken's birthday. He was really excited about it! It's so funny, because most time when we get a babysitter, it's last minute and it works out no problem. This time, however, since I had careful plans made, of course I couldn't find a babysitter to save my life!! Luckily, things finally came together and we were able to go! We had reservations at the Wyoming Rib and Chop House. Ken's always wanted to go there and I thought this would be a good opportunity. Hayden got to come with us and he made it a lot of fun. It's one of those restaurants where you can color on the paper on the table; he and Ken really enjoyed that!
Enjoying his yummy food!
Waiting for the concert to start...
The concert was just awesome! It's all cowboy music and comedy (family friendly) and we just had a blast! We were laughing our heads off and the music was wonderful! I was surprised at how many songs were familiar to me; and they sang most of my favorites. Ken and I both have cowboy roots and it was really something special that night! Hayden was so good, too... the night couldn't have been better! I bought a CD of their show and I was able to get them all to autograph it, too!
The excitement of the day didn't end there! Ken's two younger brothers, Mark and Nick drove up from Utah to surprise him! Ken and Nick share the same birthday and he's always loved having a birthday bro! This was the part I was most nervous about: keeping it secret from Ken, hoping the roads would be OK, etc. It all worked out perfectly, though! I am worried that I may burn for all the "lies" I had to tell Ken! ;) They got to our house and Ken was trying to get Hayden to sleep. I let them in and they snuck in and sat on the couch. I went to check on Ken and he wasn't having any luck, so I told him to bring Hayden out and I'd try to help him. Ken was VERY tired and kind of frustrated that Hayden wasn't going to sleep. He came out and saw me with the camera and his expression was a mixture of confusion and annoyance. :) Then he saw his brothers sitting there on the couch... calm as could be. You could have knocked him over with a feather! He said, "Are you kidding me?!" He was in total shock! He didn't even have a hint that something else was coming, let alone that they were coming! It was a great surprise and couldn't have worked out better! Nick had been planning this with me since before Christmas. Originally three of his brothers were going to come. The day before they were going to leave, Mark fractured his foot! They were coming to take Ken skiing, so they really didn't know what they were going to do. One of the brothers decided not to come after all, but I'm so glad Mark and Nick decided to anyway! Things have been tough for Ken lately and it did my heart good to see him SO happy and able to have a little fun!! We stayed up talking for a while before going to bed. The next morning, the boys played Wii with Taysum for a little while, before heading up to Red Lodge. They got back in time for us all to have dinner and go to a movie. Mark brought some steaks to cook for us and he made the best steak I have EVER eaten!! It was SO good!! Then we went to TRON... it had really cool effects! They hung out for a while Sunday morning and then headed home. It was quick, but I'm SO glad the came! It was just great!
Later in the month, Taysum's Kindergarten class made the paper! His teacher, Mrs. Floy, had them collecting empty milk jugs and they built an igloo out of them! They worked really hard on it for two months and it turned out great!
Seems we're off to an exciting start this year! :D
Then Bailey had another dance performance. It was a little tricky to get two girls all ready in their costumes and two babies up to the care center where they were performing, but we made it! The dance shoes didn't, however! :( I was trying so hard to be prepared and on time, but the more I plan ahead, it seems the more time there is for things to go wrong! ;) We made it just barely in time and the girls had to go shoeless. They did a great job, though! Ever since her last recital, Bailey keeps telling me she doesn't want to be silly at dance class anymore. We never said anything negative about her performance; she just decided herself that she was going to do better. She did great this time! She did all the actions and everything! She kind of stopped towards the end and got nervous because she couldn't see me anymore (Hayden started crying and I had to help him). Other than that, she did great! It was really nice to have Grandma and Aunt Lindi there to help, too!
I just LOVE that my kids love each other! I was taking a shower one morning and I came out and Taysum was sitting on the couch holding Hayden! I was a little nervous, but he was doing pretty well. He asked me to take a picture and I couldn't resist!
The end of January was pretty nuts for us! The kids got really sick, and we didn't get much sleep. Taysum started off with a really bad cough... it eventually went away, but not before Bailey and I started in on it. Hayden had a cold as well. Bailey's ended up turning into Bronchitis and Hayden ended up with a double ear infection! On top of that, Ken had to go out of town over the weekend. It was a little rough, but we made it through and we were sure glad to have him back. It was another nice little break for him. They flew him to Utah Friday morning and he went to a meeting. The meeting was very successful and he was done by 3:00! The rest of Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning, he got to spend with his family. He got to go to his niece's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. The next day a bunch of them went on a long horse ride out in the hills. Mark also helped him make a belt for Taysum. He did a great job! Taysum was so thrilled to have it! It even has his name on it! Ken also got some really cute books for the other two. They were sure happy to have their Daddy back!
Bailey did such a great job! Even when the anesthetic wore off, she never once complained! She was very excited for the tooth fairy to come! She insisted on going to school, even though it was only an hour after her appointment. Then, later that afternoon, she had an appointment with the eye doctor! She did great there, too! The doctor likes to divide up kid appointments into two parts, so it's not so long for them. He did the first part and then we went back a couple days later for the second half. It turns out she's a little far-sighted and she needs glasses! He said she may eventually grow out of it! These are the glasses she picked out:
The next day was a BIG day for our little B! Last year, she chipped a tooth. It's been doing pretty well, but all of a sudden it died. We got her into the dentist and they decided it needed to be pulled. Bailey was so brave! She didn't make a peep the entire time! She just let them do what they needed to do! I was so proud of her! The dentist and his assistant were just amazed at her. He said she was probably the best patient ever!
I had one of those "circle of life" moments! It was so strange, but so cool taking my daughter to the same dentist office I spent so much time in when I was young! My mom used to work there and I would often go to hang out with her after school. When I was in middle school, I painted a picture of a Precious Moments picture with a dentist who had pulled a little boy's tooth. I wanted to paint it and give it to the dentist my mom worked for. Believe it or not! It's still hanging up there in the same spot! It was fun to show it to Bailey. Even more crazy, the dental assistant, is the daughter of the dental assistant who worked there at the same time! And I used to babysit her all the time! And here she was working on my daughter! Just a fun thing to think about!
Seems we're off to an exciting start this year! :D
Monday, February 7, 2011
Wrapping up December
Even though Christmas was over, the parties weren't! Tyler turned 19 on the 28th! I can hardly believe it! He had a few over-zealous helpers with his presents!
Here's to a fantabulous new year in 2011!
There's Nothing Like Christmas Morning!
There's just nothing that compares to Christmas morning with kids this age. They're old enough to appreciate the magic and young enough to still believe in the magic! I get to the point where I don't care if I get anything or not... I'm too excited to see them open their presents! It was a great morning! It was Hayden's first Christmas and the poor guy wasn't feeling too well. He was teething and he got his first tooth for Christmas! :( He still had fun in all the wrapping paper and bows!
Bailey going straight for the candy! :)
Santa was very kind this year!
Bailey said she wanted a panda for Christmas, so we got her a big panda pillow and she LOVES it!!
Daddy helping deck out the microphones!!
A little team work to open the present from Grammy Penny and Grandpa Ned
A happy little B!
You can't see this one very well, but it's an apron. They had Mommy & Me matching aprons at our local grocery store. She's really been wanting to help me a lot lately, especially in the kitchen, so I thought it'd be fun to have matching aprons! She loves it! Anytime she helps me, she insists we wear them. It's a fun bond for us!
Taysum really wanted a Gordon train and he was pretty thrilled to get one!
Givin' some love to the big girl panties... it's a work in progress!
Ever since playing Mario Kart Wii with Uncle Nick in UT, I knew this is what I wanted to get him for Christmas. He could hardly believe it! He's had so much fun with it!
Ken finally got the pepper and salt mills he's wanted forever! :)
The other thing Bailey really wanted was a pillow pet. I ordered one for each of the kids on Cyber Monday. The package came and I just assumed all three were in there. Christmas Eve day, I decide I better look... there was only one in there and it wasn't Bailey's! That's all she would talk about was getting a Pillow Pet for Christmas! I panicked! I asked my sweet mom if she would go to the store and get one for me. She had just gotten home from the store for the second or third time that day, but she went for me anyway and found a pink bunny pillow pet. Luckily Bailey loved it! I never got the other two pillow pets. I called the company and I guess they had had a lot of trouble meeting the demand, so they refunded all three even though I had received one. So, all that trouble, but we ended up with a free one and Bailey was happy, so I guess all's well that ends well, right!?
I was really excited for Ken to open this present. I bought him a portable GPS. It's not like the car directions one... it's more for hiking and things like that. He loved it and has used it quite a bit. The other day at work, he was doing some surveying and the company's GPS was missing or not working... I don't remember... so he came home and got his. I'm really glad he likes it so much!
All Taysum wants to do is play Mario Kart!! We played quite a bit that day, and we've had to come up with some rules and limitations for the Wii. He is quite a pro now!
Even though he wasn't feeling too well, Hayden was a trooper. He woke up and his eyes were literally glued shut with gunk! I felt so bad for him! It took a good 2-3 minutes with a warm washcloth before he could open them! Poor little guy! :'(
Once he had a chance to wake up a little and figure out what all the craziness going on was about, he joined right in the fun!
Gpa and Gma Anderson had our name for Christmas and the theme was music. They gave us this keyboard and the kids LOVE it! Especially Hayden!
After the commotion died down a bit, we went to Gpa and Gma's for Christmas breakfast. It's always so yummy! We went back home and just enjoyed being together! Then it was back to Gpa and Gma's for Christmas Day dinner! (We eat together a lot! ;) ) The Lindsays came over and we had a great time with our family.
Bailey going straight for the candy! :)
Here are Bailey and Carissa rockin' out together!
Uncle Matt being a good sport!
Celeste has had a hard time handing over the title of "baby of the family" to Hayden! ;)
Brothers or what?!
We were all supposed to get together as a family at Lindsay's house and get a family picture done since we were all together. However, they had some flooding at their house, so that was put on hold. I felt so bad for them! What an awful thing to happen on Christmas!! We figured we better just do it and at least get ours done. So we called up Uncle Matt and Aunt Megan to see if they would help us out. Megan did a great job! She got some really fun angles and I was really pleased with how they turned out! Thanks so much, Megan! :) They stayed for lunch with us and we had a Mario Kart Wii party!
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