Popeye the Sailor is our new best friend!!
For Christmas, my sister, Lindsay, gave our kids some DVDs of classic cartoons: Popeye, Mighty Mouse, Betty Boop, The Three Stooges, etc. Taysum just fell in love with Popeye! He thinks it's the greatest ever! It's so fun to hear him sing the theme song.
The best part is Taysum now LOVES "spinach." If there is anything green on the table, he asks for "spinach" and eats it, too! This includes: salad (especially Caesar Salad), broccoli, and anything else green! The other night he said, "Mom, can I have some broccoli please?" It's been great!! The best part is after he eats it, he shows us how his arms and legs "explode" with muscles as he sings the theme song; then we get to feel his muscles! :)
While Bailey isn't into the spinach part of things as much, she does love Popeye as well. She also goes around singing, "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man! Toot!! Toot!!" She will ask for the movie, too...I must say, they are the cutest sailors I've met!!
Taysum also really loves superheros!! His greatest hero is his Daddy, but this morning he was reading off a list: Spider Man, Hulk, Superman and Uncle Tyler!
A couple fun Taysum quotes:
"I have a tummy ache in my head!"
My Dad was over for a haircut the other day and Taysum asked what Grandpa was doing. I told him I was cutting Grandpa's hair and he said, "Oh, Grandpa has big hair?"
And one from Bailey:
Bailey to Ken: I want some juice!
Ken: Please?
Bailey: Please!
Ken: Juice coming up!
Bailey: Daddy...we're best friends!!
Hayden update: We are now at 30 weeks!! (Only 9 to go!!) I had an appointment this past Wednesday and things were looking pretty good...I am measuring 2 weeks ahead, but that's been consistent, so everything's OK with that. I mentioned that I had had just a tiny bit of bleeding over the past month. In my last ultrasound, it showed my placenta was low, but not previa. Because of this however, my doctor wanted to know for sure where the placenta is and what is going on. So, I went up again Thursday for another ultrasound. It was amazing how much he's grown!! We could see his face so clearly and it was just amazing! He is just adorable!! (Even if we do say so ourselves!) The kids were so good and Ken got to see a lot more this time (including the confirmation that he is for sure a boy!) However, the sonographer couldn't get a clear shot of the placenta; so I had to go back again Friday!! This time there was a blizzard and it was a little un-nerving, but we made it there and back. They also monitored the baby for a while just to make sure everything is going well. It was reassuring! The nurse that helped me was one that helped me when I was having Bailey and she is a sweetheart...so that was nice! Also, the preliminary reading of the ultrasound said the placenta was up and out of the way; however, I'm on some restrictions until the official reading comes back just to be sure. I was pretty worn out physically and emotionally and of course Ken had a camp out that night! :) We made it through just fine, though. However, Saturday night I started having some contractions. That made me pretty nervous, but I just rested and they went a way. I got a lot of rest today as well and things are much better! One of the tests showed I was kind of dry, so I've been drinking more water and that's helped, too. He is just moving like crazy and they said that would be the biggest indicator whether things were OK or not...I'm feeling good about things...just need to take it a little easier! :)