Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Fun in June

At the beginning of June, we went to Utah for the blessing of our newest nephew, Cooper Jack Cutler. Looking through the pictures, I'm sad to say we didn't even get any pictures of him! :( It was a really quick, but enjoyable trip. We hadn't been to Utah since November!! Ken had so much fun with his siblings and our kids really enjoy their Utah cousins, too!
Uncle Nick and Uncle Mark with Ken and Bailey looking at Grandpa Ned's fountain Taysum discovered Grandpa Ned and Grammy Penny's sandbox and he LOVED it!
Here is Bailey getting a horsey ride with Uncle Mark in the background and Ryan peeking out

Ken and his brothers like to have competitions. After the push-up contest, they had a balancing contest.

Bailey climbed right up and had a seat with all the girls watching the silly boys

Taysum and Sami

Uncle Nick showing Bailey the horses (she had NO fear around them which was a little scary for all of us!)

Michael, Eli, Taysum and Kymball

Bailey watering Grandpa Ned's fountain

Mark, Nick, Ken, Holly and Kade

Mom, Ken, Paul, Mark, Nick and Shane

Taysum came up with this one on his own on the way home

We stopped in Farson, WY to let the kids get out and stretch; it was really pretty

We had such a great time even though it was so short! Cooper is so sweet and we are SO happy for Paul and Jess's new house! She has made it so beautiful and we're glad that things are going so well for them! We love you guys!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our Baby Girl is 2!!

Our darling little girl turned 2 years old on the 2nd!! Time is going so fast and I can hardly believe how grown up she is already becoming! We love her so much and she has brought such love and joy to our home! Her birthday was on Sunday this year, so we got together with our family to swim in the wading pool at the park on Saturday. Bailey LOVES water and every one had a lot of fun!
Carissa and Bailey
CJ and Taysum
CJ and noodles

Aunt Lindsay and baby Celeste (in Bailey's baby swim suit :) )

Sunday morning was kind of a short celebration because we have 8:00 church. Here is Bailey in her new Minnie Mouse nightgown and her new "sly." Bailey LOVES to slide, so we were excited to see what she thought of it! We have also found out that Bailey LOVES horses, so we did a "My Little Pony" party. She was pretty tricky going down the slide with a pony in each hand!

Bailey is always pulling the step stool out of the bathroom and using it to sit on and watch movies. So, we found this little step on the internet. The top opens and that is where we keep some of her horses. Ken painted the top for her.

This picture didn't turn out very well (it's pretty blurry) but I thought it was kind of fun with the paper flying through the air. Taysum was just as excited (if not more) for Bailey.

This is a stuffed My Little Pony baby and Bailey is being a good Mommy and feeding her. Her name is Cheerlee.

Ken was really enjoying just sitting with Bailey while they watched her new "Madeline" movies. He loves it that she'll just come and sit with you; Taysum is usually pretty wiggly ;).

That night we had a little party with all the family. We had Great Grandpa and Grandma Anderson, Grandpa and Grandma Anderson, Aunt Lindsay (Uncle Chad had just gotten back from Colorado and was worn out), CJ, Quinn, Carissa, Celeste, Uncle Matt and Uncle Tyler. We had a really nice time together! Ken played some home movies of the time just before and just after Bailey was born; it was really fun to have that going in the background and to see how little the kids were then! They were really fascinated at seeing themselves so little!

Bailey received a lot of fun presents! Thanks so much everyone!

...And A LOT of horses! :)

Then the cake and ice cream! We had pink juice and a darling cake that our friend Jodi Strom made for her. Bailey absolutely loved the cake!

Bailey had a great day! She was shown so much love on her special day! She even received birthday calls from Uncle Nick, Aunt Holly and Grammy Penny & Grandpa Ned!
We love our Bailey Grace with all our hearts. She has brought so much to our home and we feel so blessed to have her in our family! I thought that I'd also write down some fun things about her.
Nick names: (Mom) Bay G, B, (Dad) Princess, (Taysum) Bailey Griurl, Little Bailey, (Grandmas) Bailey Beautiful
Favorite foods: Chicken, bread, pickles, cheese, bananas, popcorn, grapes
Favorite drink: Juice
Favorite colors: Green and Pink
Favorite animal: Horse (although she calls most things a chicken)
Favorite things: Binky, Blankey, toy horse (one for each hand), sippy cup
Favorite sayings: "OK!" "Woo-hoo!" "It's Mommy!" "Where going?" "Come on!" "Oh, no! What gonna do?"
Favorite things to do: Play with her brother, read stories, play outside, slide, watch "foo-fies" (movies), cuddle, somersaults, sing and dance
Favorite movies: "Mary Poppins," "Dora," "Bambi"
Favorite songs: "If You're Happy and You Know it," "Popcorn Popping," "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee"
Things we love about Bailey: Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her voice, her dancing and twirling, her love, her sleeping patterns :), her funny face, her patience with and admiration of her brother and how she wants to do everything he does
We love you so much, Bailey and we know the years to come will be just as wonderful!! Happy Birthday, baby girl!